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Meet Amy Jackson

Founder and Director of The Perch

I began my soul care journey years ago, but I really started getting intentional in 2008. I was in ministry and I realized that it was completely draining me. I knew it wasn't sustainable, but I didn't know another way. The spiritual practices I’d depended on for years just weren’t cutting it anymore. So I went back to school to get a master's degree in Christian Formation and Ministry from Wheaton College. My time there allowed me to learn about and try out different soul care practices as well as learn how to guide others in them. 


Learning about soul care helped me begin stepping into the healthy, flourishing life of purpose I believe I was created for. It helped me become a healthier person spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically, and it helped me see and work on my blind spots so that I could be in healthier relationships as well. Soul care has helped me stay rooted no matter what is going on in life, and I'm forever thankful for these practices. Today my personal soul care practices change by the season—I’ve always loved shaking things up!


Sadly, my ministry role was cut in 2011, but that led me to the Christian publishing world where I created, edited, and published a variety of resources for churches, especially related to leadership, discipleship, and pastoral care. I loved my time there, but when things suddenly started to shift in 2017, I knew my time there needed to end. At the same time, I couldn't ignore the prompting that had been on my heart for years: Start an organization where people can rest and discover helpful and practical self-care practices. Over the years I’d found a million excuses for why I shouldn't or couldn't do that, but after a particularly difficult day at work, I believe God showed me a vision for The Perch, and I couldn't say "no" any longer.


I love being able to share what I’m learning with you and the people you care about. I especially love creating space for you to rest, heal, and grow. When you tell me that you feel like you belong at The Perch, I feel like I'm living out my calling.


When I'm not leading an event or speaking at a retreat, I'm likely having fun with my young daughters, enjoying time outside, cooking a flavorful dish, or enjoying the many restaurants, festivals, and events in downtown Aurora. My husband and I are both from Aurora. I absolutely love the diversity of this city and the amazing network of small business owners who support one another.


If there’s one message I want people to hear, it’s this: You are loved fully, wholly, unconditionally. You are enough. And you were created to live a healthy, flourishing life of purpose. Soul care isn’t always easy or fun, but it is the path toward living as the person you were created to be, and that makes it all worth it.

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The Perch, 140 S River St., Suite 114, Aurora, IL 60506


Retail Hours: Fri 12-5, Sat 10-2

© 2024 by The Perch. Proudly created with

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